iExcel Institute is about providing scientific and evidenced-based, and motivational instruction to help people achieve the dreams of their lives! We think differently about motivation than most other companies. Listed below are 3 important differences in applying motivation:

1. Action

How many times have you read a motivational quote or meme and are pumped for the day or just a few hours, but seem to fall back into your same old thought processes and routines? Actual putting into ACTION those principles learned is what creates motivation. With iExcel Institute, actionable steps are provided to help you to achieve success in the areas of your life that matter!

2. Scientifically Proven Concepts

iExcel Institute has researched scientifically proven practices that help people to change and accomplish the important things in their lives. Neuroscience, behavioral modification techniques, positive psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, and emotional intelligence are a few of the concepts used to increase motivation and .

3. Two-pronged Approach

Although focusing on strength building and positive aspects of change is important, focus must also be on helping to eliminate deeply rooted self-sabotage that blocks the pathway to change for most people. Without working on the un-empowering thoughts and beliefs that are deeply ingrained within, it is almost impossible to be motivated to achieve at the highest level!