iExcel offers various training and coaching for the individual or a corporation. Our offerings range from personal to professional to ensure that the whole person is successful and fulfilled.

Individual Coaching Programs

iExcel Personal Coaching Programs work with men and women who are in search of vision, purpose and direction in their lives.  These programs focus on developmental motivation of adults, as well as motivated young adults (college age) that are looking to develop successful insights and positive habits in their lives. These programs promote and teach emotional self-awareness and self-control, as well as communication, growth roadmaps, accountability, and what it means to be a positive influence at home and at work.  iExcel Institute works in individual settings through one-on-one coaching, as well as seminars and professional confidential workshops.

Weight Loss Program – Eat Fries, Don’t Exercise and STILL Lose Weight!

95% of people who go on diets or try weight loss programs gain the weight back and usually gain more than they lost.  Discover why most diets and programs don’t work and how to finally lose weight for good!

Start Your Business NOW!

You’ve dreamed of starting a business for many years now, but it still hasn’t happened.  If it hasn’t happened yet, there are typical reasons.  Some people don’t know how to start one, some don’t think they have time to start one,  the  and others are afraid to start one.  We walk you through the time-tested step-by-step plan to start a business while also addressing any fear you may have in starting your business.  All along the way, you will have an accountability partner to hold them to achieving your goals, which research indicates increases the chance for success by 95%!

We’ve been there multiple times while building multiple businesses so we know the feeling.  Some fear is natural and expected, but we will guide you through managing that fear in starting your business.

Networking Skills: Get Promoted, a Better Job and More Customers for Your Business!

We’ve all heard the phrase, “It’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know.”  Research estimates that upwards of 85% of open positions are filled through networking.  The ability to network is one of the most crucial skills any entrepreneur can have. How else will you meet the clients and contacts necessary to grow your business?  Learn step-by-step tactics to widen your network to achieve success!

Increase Your Income: Emotional Intelligence Is Key

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is more important than IQ for success and more income!  Research shows people with a higher EQ make more money, have better relationships and are more happy with high levels of well-being.  Good thing is… while IQ doesn’t change, you CAN change your EQ!  Learn how NOW!

Accountability Partnership

Up the chances of completing your goals!  The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%.

Communication Skills Make or Break You (DiSC, EQ, Body Language,
Increase Happiness and Well-being

Do you feel completely happy in life?

Reduce Stress 

Routine stress may contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, as well as mental disorders like depression or anxiety.

Start Up Know How in the Tech and Medical Sectors

You’ve had that idea about building a product or app and making the big bucks from it!  Problem is…you aren’t sure how to do that.  With this program, you will learn the steps of bringing your product or app from development stage to it being sold for big bucks!

Sales 102: 10 Secret Skills To Close The Deal

Most salespeople are taught the basics of opening, closing, asking for the sale and ???.  However these techniques will only get you so far.  Learn the 10 Skills that will get you more customers and get your existing customers to buy more from you!

Become a Better Manager or Leader

You manage people or have become a new manager.  Learn the best techniques to build a team that is free of conflicts, produces the most work and will make you look your best?  Learn how to motivate your team to be the best!

Image Consulting
Do What You Love! (Career Counseling)

Corporate Training & Consulting

Team Building
Leadership Development
Conflict Resolution
Pitch Meeting Training
Communication Skills (EQ, DISC, Body Language, Business Writing Skills, Presentation Skills)
Hire the Best Employees (Disc, EQ, Values, Strong Interest Inv)